365 Days Author Wholesale Book Order

Buying your books wholesale will save you $8.89 a book. The cost of the books are $9.99 each.

NOTE: If you don’t see the amount of books you would like to order here, email me at [email protected] and we will get you set up. If you want to order under 5 books, it is usually best to order directly through Amazon, as the shipping is more expensive through our printer.

Here are the pricing details for shipping within the UNITED STATES:

5 Books: $9.99 each plus shipping and tax = $67.53
10 Books: $9.99 each plus shipping and tax = $124.27
20 Books: $9.99 each plus shipping and tax = $241.27
30 Books: $9.99 each plus shipping and tax = $361.20
50 Books: $9.99 each plus shipping and tax = $585.23

100 or more: I’ll give you a big discount. Email me for more information.

Once you have paid for your order, I will enter the order within 24 hours. The order can take anywhere from 2-4 weeks, depending on shipping location. You can pay extra for expedited shipping, but you must email me for that service to be included.

International shipping must be figured out per order, so please email me for that quote as well.

Thanks so much – SDJ


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